Worship: Sunday 10:30am
Office: 302 652-5065

"For where two or three are gathered, there I am among them."
Matthew 18:20
Finding us...
3112 Kennett Pike, Wilmington, DE 19807
You might say Green Hill is a hidden gem. Tucked away on an unmarked road off of Kennett Pike, you’ll find us behind our sign. It looks like you’re turning in to a driveway, but we’re there! Trust your GPS, turn where our sign is, and you’ll find what you are looking for.
Worship and what to expect...
Our worship service is at 10:30 am each Sunday. After worship, please join us for a Fellowship time in the Hall downstairs.
Please join us! We would love to share with you our celebration of God's goodness and grace.
What to bring? You are welcomed to bring your own Bible, (but the Scripture Lessons will be listed in the bulletin.) We also offer worship by Zoom. Just contact the church office at info@greenhillpres.org to be placed on the invitation list, or click on the QR code on our bulletin.
Get to know Green Hill...
All week long!
At Green Hill, worship is just one aspect of our church experience; there are so many places to plug in and grow in faith.
We have a culture of being involved. We're not a huge congregation but we are huge in our participation--be it our music programs, mission outreach, adult education, or moments of fellowship.