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"They received the word with great eagerness, examining the Scriptures daily."

Acts 17:11 



Adult Education & Spiritual Growth


Green Hill Church provides educational opportunities to all parishioners to learn about the Bible, grow closer to God and strengthen personal faith.  


Bible Study

Bible study is important at Green Hill. The church offers two Bible study groups:


- Women's Bible Study. They will be studying Jen Wilkin's newest study on the New Testament book of Revelation.  If you wish to join us or would like more information, please contact the church office at 302-652-5065, or by email at  


 - Men's Bible Study meets every two weeks at :00 AM at Janssen's Cafe'.

      See Google calendar for dates of their meetings.  



If you have a prayer request, click here.  You will receive a confirmation of your prayer request within 24 hours. Please let us know if you would like to speak to the pastor. Rev. Anderson can be reached at, or 302-652-5065. 



Fellowship & Fun!

In addition to education, prayer, and outreach, Green Hill believes in FUN! 


We enjoy activities and outings, bringing long-time members and new-comers together. 


As well as a time of fellowship after church, be on the lookout for dinner groups, baseball games, women’s Christmas gift exchange, Christmas caroling and bell choirs.  Whew--that's just to name a few!


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